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11.03.2025 - 08:01 Uhr


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Premiumanzeige New Brunswick

New Brunswick is on the East Coast of Canada, right above Maine and beside Quebec. Some people think it's the best thing about the East Coast, and of course they're right. Made up of five diverse regions, New Brunswick has the ocean, beaches, mountains, rivers, cities, small towns, and almost everything in between. Don't forget, we also have the highest tides in the world!

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Four regional airports (in Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John and Bathurst) make it convenient for you to arrive in the jet-setting style to which you’re accustomed. For International Flights - just a 5 ˝ hour direct flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia from London with commuter flights to New Brunswick in 30 minutes or a short 3 hour drive. Also, direct flights to Montreal with connector flights and train options to New Brunswick.

There’s nothing quite like the sound of a train whistle. Board the VIA Rail in Montreal in the evening, and be in Campbellton, Bathurst, Miramichi or Moncton before noon the next day.


Fran loves her job, she talks to people from all over the world who come to witness the power of the Bay of Fundy tides and how they’ve carved out the Hopewell Rocks over the years. You can walk on the ocean floor in the morning and then later in the day, kayak around the flower pot shaped rocks at high tide.

Kaltmiete: EUR 65,-
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

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Land / Region: Canada / New Brunswick
Stadt / Ort: Fredericton

Angeboten wird:

Hotel / Pansion
Bezugsfrei: Ab sofort
KFZ-Stellplätze: Nein

Suchworte, Keywords:

Tide New Brunswick Bay of Fundy

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