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Premiumanzeige Rock View Lodge

Rock View is arguably one of the most relaxing and comfortable places to stay in the North Rupununi with a unique blend of people, culture, cuisine, art and agriculture and tour activities and a commitment to excellence. It is a family owned and operated business – the Edwards’ are a blend of Amerindian, Brazilian, British and Basque! Rock View stands as a proud example of Guyana’s brand of tourism at its best with its blend of heritage, skills, life experiences, local knowledge, social connections and personalities.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Rock View’s Bedford provides rugged and elevated wildlife viewing opportunities
Rock View Lodge provides 4WD ground transfers to nearby lodges such as Surama, Iwokrama Canopy Walkway, Iwokrama River Lodge, Kwatamang Landing (to meet boats to Rewa) and Ginep Landing (to meet boats to Karanambu). We also arrange sightseeing and birdwatching trips using a reliable Toyota HiLux 4-wheel-drive truck or the legendary Camel Bedford which seats up to 20 people ten feet above ground level.


Kaieteur Falls


Kaltmiete: EUR 250,-
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat - USt. befreites Kleinunternehmen

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier



Land / Region: Lateinamerika / Guayana
Stadt / Ort: Rupununi

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Guayana Rock View Rupununi essequibo

Kontakt Wenn Sie Interesse an dem Angebot haben, können Sie per eMail Kontakt aufnehmen: sales@worldtravel.de

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