Inserent: Skybird
Anzeigen-ID: 184
Mietangebot: T2 Campervan

Link zum Inserat:

A campervan means freedom. It gives you the flexibility to create the holiday you want. You are not tied to anything but your own impulses. It gives you back choice, when to go, where to go, how long to stay. Travel from one secret beach to the next. Discover those hidden country pubs. Park on the harbour wall at Mousehole, raise your roof, sit back and watch the world go by. Relax.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss
There are 165 beaches in Cornwall and a further 60 in Devon. Some get very busy in high season, but with a little local knowledge and research you can find some absolute gems away from the crowds.

Kaltmiete: EUR 497,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei

Rubrik / Kategorie: Wohnmobilurlaub / Reiseangebote
Eingetragen am: 23.06.2015
Inserat gültig bis: Zeitlich unbegrenzt



Land / Region: Reiseangebote / Wohnmobilurlaub
Stadt / Ort: Okehampton

Angeboten wird:

Hotel / Pansion
Bezugsfrei: Ab sofort
KFZ-Stellplätze: Nein

Gefunden auf: - Ihrem Immobielienmarkt.