Inserent: HaWe
Anzeigen-ID: 1333
Mietangebot: SeaAir International

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South East Asian Airlines Intrernational (SEAIR-I) is the Philippines’ premier leisure airline. SEAIR is the second-oldest airline brand in the Philippines with a firm foundation in leisure travel. Since 1995, SEAIR has been flying passengers to some of the most beautiful destinations in the world

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss
SEAIR was the first airline locator at Clarkfield, Pampanga, now a major aviation hub.
SEAIR-I now offers the lowest fares on the following domestic routes – Clark and Manila to Boracay via Caticlan, and Caticlan to Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

Just a short 40 mins plane ride away from Clark using the Dornier 328 aircraft lies this exceptional little island. It is quite surprising that a popular tourist destination like Boracay did not even start receiving tourists until about the 1970’s. To date, more than 300 different hotels and resorts have been built on the island.

Kaltmiete: EUR 100,-
Courtage: Courtagefrei

Rubrik / Kategorie: Philippinen / Asien
Eingetragen am: 17.03.2018
Inserat gültig bis: 13.05.2025


  Auf der Karte zeigen

Land / Region: Asien / Philippinen
Stadt / Ort: Clark Papanga
Stadtteil / Strasse: Borocay u Puerto Princesa

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Siehe Beschreibung
Bezugsfrei: Ab sofort
KFZ-Stellplätze: Nein

Gefunden auf: - Ihrem Immobielienmarkt.