Inserent: Skybird
Anzeigen-ID: 121
Mietangebot: Rafter Six Guest Ranch

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Rafter Six has also been a location for many motion pictures, TV shows, commercials, Music videos and modeling shoots. We're sure it's the wonderful scenery, fresh mountain air and our warm western hospitality that brings people back here, time and time again.

Whether you select Rafter Six for your special Ranch Vacation, company BBQ, meeting, reunion or wedding, we are certain you and your guests will enjoy our rustic atmosphere, fine facilities and true Western Hospitality!

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss
From Calgary

Travel west on Highway #1 (Trans-Canada Hwy.) towards Banff, approximately 75 km from Calgary city limits. Take the Rafter Six Ranch Resort exit number 114A*. (Important: take the exit that goes under then over overpass). The exit is clearly marked with a green highway sign overhead. Turn left at the "T" intersection and follow Ranch Road east to Rafter Six Ranch Resort.
NOTE: Please be sure to take exit 114A (which will take you under the over pass and then onto the overpass) and NOT exit 114.

Kaltmiete: EUR 110,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei

Rubrik / Kategorie: Alberta / Canada
Eingetragen am: 13.06.2015
Inserat gültig bis: Zeitlich unbegrenzt


  Auf der Karte zeigen

Land / Region: Canada / Alberta
Stadt / Ort: Exshaw, Alberta TOL 2CO
Stadtteil / Strasse: 81130 Ranch Road E.

Angeboten wird:

Siehe Beschreibung
Bezugsfrei: Ab sofort
KFZ-Stellplätze: Nein

Gefunden auf: - Ihrem Immobielienmarkt.