Inserent: Skybird
Anzeigen-ID: 1026
Mietangebot: Menen

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Menen Hotel takes pride and pleasure in providing its guests with accommodation with a spectacular view of the pacific ocean through large seaside windows, combined with our warm and friendly Pacific Island hospitality.
We have standard rooms, ocean view rooms, suites, and grand-suites overlooking the sunrise each morning seven days a week. All 101 rooms are air-conditioned and are serviced daily, offering complimentary tea and coffee facilities.

Kaltmiete: EUR 85,-
Courtage: Courtagefrei

Rubrik / Kategorie: Nauru / Südsee
Eingetragen am: 25.02.2016
Inserat gültig bis: 30.05.2025


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Land / Region: Südsee / Nauru
Stadt / Ort: Menen District
Stadtteil / Strasse: Nauru Central Pacific

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Siehe Beschreibung
Bezugsfrei: Ab sofort
KFZ-Stellplätze: Nein

Gefunden auf: - Ihrem Immobielienmarkt.