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Hayman Island
One&Only Hayman Island, located in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, presents astonishing natural beauty, restorative peace, indulgence and adventure. Located in the heart of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, One&Only Hayman Island is the northernmost of the Whitsunday Islands off the coast of Queensland.
Lage und Verkehrsanschluss
The Whitsundays have long been internationally recognised as one of the world’s most beautiful stretches of tropical coastline in the world. The 74 islands – 66 of which are uninhabited – dot the calm waters of the Coral Sea, sheltered from the Pacific Ocean by the Great Barrier Reef.
Within this private island resort, stylish elegance reflects the harmony of nature with beautifully appointed accommodation set against the backdrop of the Coral Sea.
EUR 1.112,- (VB) |
Land / Region:
Australien / Queensland |
Stadt / Ort:
Whitsunday Islands |
Stadtteil / Strasse:
Qe |
Angeboten wird:
Hotel / Pansion |
Ab sofort |
Nein |
Suchworte, Keywords:
Hayman Island Whitsunday Islands |
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