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Rothera Research Station
Rothera Point, Adelaide Island PositionLat. 67°35'8"S, Long. 68°7'59"W Occupied from25 October 1975 to present StaffSummer: 100, Winter: 22
Im Juli und August 1936 wurde die Insel von der British Graham Land Expedition besucht, sowie Ende der 1940er Jahre von der Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS). Die FIDS unterhielt von 1961 bis 1977 eine Forschungsstation auf der Insel. Diese sogenannte „Base T“ wurde 1984 an Chile übergeben, sie wird unter der Bezeichnung Teniente Luis Carvajal Villarroel bis heute im Sommer genutzt. Von den Briten wurde im Februar 1976 die an der Südostküste gelegene Rothera-Station eingeweiht. In den Jahren 1989 und 1990 wurde dort die Landebahn für Flugzeuge erheblich erweitert. -Quelle Wikipedia
Lage und Verkehrsanschluss
Rothera Research Station is situated on Adelaide Island to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula. The site includes a crushed rock runway, hanger and wharf. Rothera is the centre for biological research and for supporting deep-field and air operations. It is the largest British Antarctic facility and supports a wide range of collaborative science programmes.
The Antarctic Treaty recognizes tourism as a legitimate activity in Antarctica, and BAS welcomes a small number of visits to its stations from IAATO–affiliated companies during the austral summer. Small groups are given a guided tour of the facilities, where they have the opportunity to learn about the world-class science undertaken by BAS, and the logistics that support it.
IAATO is comprised of more than 100 companies from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Falkland Islands, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States.
To ensure that tourist visits are managed responsibly, BAS has developed guidelines for operators visiting Rothera or Signy research stations.Visits to Halley are considered on a case by case basis. Visits to Bird Island on South Georgia are not permitted due its status as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
Bids to visit BAS stations are co-ordinated by IAATO and submitted en-bloc to the BAS Operations Manager, Mike Dinn (michael.dinn@bas.ac.uk), by the end of June each year. Visits are to follow the tour ship guidelines.
EUR 1.500,- |
Land / Region:
Atlantischer Ozean / Falkland Inseln (Brit.) |
Stadt / Ort:
Adelaide Island |
Stadtteil / Strasse:
South off Falklands |
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Rothera Station |
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