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Signy Research Station
Signy Research Station
Factory Cove, Borge Bay, Signy Island PositionLat. 60°43'0"S, Long. 45°36'0"W Occupied from18 March 1947 to present. From 1996 as a summer-only station
Lage und Verkehrsanschluss
Signy Island is one of the South Orkney Islands, situated in the Southern Ocean to the north of the Weddell Sea, and approximately 900km south-west of South Georgia.
The island falls just south of the limit of the Antarctic Treaty area (in many publications the position is quoted as that of the BAS station, 60°42′ S, 45°36′ W).
Purpose Penguin, seabird and seal biology, limnology and terrestrial biology related to the southern ocean ecosystems and climate change. Long-term monitoring, in particular for the Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
EUR 1.500,- |
Land / Region:
Atlantischer Ozean / Falkland Inseln (Brit.) |
Stadt / Ort:
Signy South Orkney |
Stadtteil / Strasse:
South Georgia Falklands |
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Signy Research |
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