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Premiumanzeige St Vincent

St. Vincent is one of the islands that make up the nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and is an incredible place to vacation or visit that is not too expensive or touristy. Some of the Grenadine islands like Mustique can be expensive but this is not the case with St. Vincent. English is the main language spoken here, and there are a number of hotels, restaurants, and attractions for visitors to enjoy.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Getting to St. Vincent

In order to reach St. Vincent visitors must arrive by plane or boat since it is an island. T. Joshua Airport is a short distance from the capital city of Kingstown. International flights arrive here, and it also allows flights from the various Grenadine islands to arrive and depart as well. Passengers will usually have to come through one of the major gateways, and these include Grenada, Puerto Rico, Barbados, and Martinique. Visitors may also arrive at St. Vincent by boat


Buccament Bay Resort is a terrific hotel situated on St. Vincent, and it is a luxury option that is all inclusive. Guests will find a gorgeous white sand beach nestled next to the tropical turquoise waters, and the lush surroundings make each villa here a tropical paradise. Those who stay at the Buccament Bay Resort in St. Vincent can expect 5 star accommodations and service, with an all inclusive style. Each accommodation is a separate villa and there are garden, deluxe, and plantation villas available for rent. Each villa has a private plunge pool, and each bedroom has a private bath attached. Villas are available that include anywhere from 1-4 bedrooms, and there are beachfront villas that are set right on the exquisite beach with fabulous ocean views.
The Falls of Baleine are located at the northernmost point of the island’s leeward coast, situated among volcanic formations and cliffs that are incredibly steep

Kaltmiete: EUR 95,-
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

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Land / Region: Caribic / St Vincent u Grenadine
Stadt / Ort: Kingstown

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St Vincent Buccament Bay Resort

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