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Premiumanzeige Petit St Vincent

Located in the southern tip of the Grenadines, our exclusive island retreat is more than just a luxury holiday—it’s an escape.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Our exclusive Caribbean island hideaway
can be reached from all parts of the world.
The principle gateway to Petit St. Vincent is Grantley Adams International Airport (BGI) in Barbados. With direct international flights from Toronto, New York, Miami, and London, same day arrival is possible from most points in the Americas and Europe.
Mustique Airways, (the longest operating airline in the Grenadines), provides a round trip Barbados-Union Island route exclusively for Petit St. Vincent guests


Our accommodations are free from telephones, wifi and television. Instead, our signature flag system is a simple but effective way to communicate with our attentive staff. The yellow flag signals for room service, transportation, or a special request and the red flag for privacy.

With two restaurants, one hillside and one beachside, our gourmet chefs offer a variety of creative cuisine inspired by locally-caught seafood and our organic island-grown fruit and vegetables. During sunset, weekly beach barbecues with great local music make for a romantic dinner under the starlit skies.

Kaltmiete: EUR 13.488,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier



Land / Region: Caribic / St Vincent u Grenadine
Stadt / Ort: Petit St Vincent Resort

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