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14.03.2025 - 09:09 Uhr


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Premiumanzeige Dominica

Dominica’s location is 15 degrees North latitude and 61 degrees West longitude. The island sits midway along the Eastern Caribbean archipelago, just a few miles from Martinique to the south and Guadeloupe to the north. Its official name is the Commonwealth of Dominica, which is mostly referenced in official communiqués and to distinguish the island from its northerly Caribbean sister, the Dominican Republic.

Known as “The Nature Island,” Dominica’s tropical rainforests cover two thirds of the island, and are home to 1,200 plant species. Rivers, lakes, streams, and waterfalls abound, fed by the island’s high annual rainfall. Its volcanic physique points to extensive geothermal activity – even underwater. The Morne Trois Pitons National Park was the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the eastern Caribbean.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

International flights from US and Europe are connected to the island through hubs in Antigua (ANU), Barbados (BGI), St. Maarten (SXM), Puerto Rico (SJU), Guadeloupe (PTP), and Martinique (FDF). Leeward Island Air Transport (LIAT) offers direct connections from ANU, BGI, SXM, SJU, and PTP as well as other connecting flights across their 22 island network. BVI Airways provides service from St. Maarten and Tortola (EIS).


In Dominica, every trail across the island leads you to discover nature’s pristine environment with a touch of adventure. Through gorges and valleys. Into dense mountain rainforest. From rushing streams and rivers to natural springs and bubbling mud baths, to a myriad of cascading waterfalls, and a vast array of flora and fauna.

Kaltmiete: EUR 150,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

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  Auf der Karte zeigen

Land / Region: Caribic / Dominica
Stadt / Ort: Roseau
Stadtteil / Strasse: 1st Floor Financial Centre

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Dominica Leeward Islands Roseau

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