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ID: 1314 | Mietangebot
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The Wall Fermont
The city of Fermont is small mining town located in northeastern Quebec. It has an unusual appearance due to its prominent housing structure completed in 1974 called "The Wall" (le Mur Écran).
"The Wall" is home to City Hall, businesses, schools, a health centre, and 440 residences! Architects had to define interior and exterior spaces according to the hierarchy of private, semi-public and public domains. Other challenges include providing communal service and recreational facilities to satisfy personal, social, and family needs, and to ensure the possibility of cross ventilation.
Lage und Verkehrsanschluss
Bienvenue sur le site Internet de la Ville de Fermont. Ce site offre de nombreux renseignements qui seront utiles tant aux résidants, aux entreprises, aux visiteurs qu’aux futurs résidants.
EUR 75,- |
Gewerbliches Inserat - USt. befreites Kleinunternehmen
Weitere Informationen
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Land / Region:
Canada / Quebec |
Stadt / Ort:
Hürth |
Stadtteil / Strasse:
Quebec |
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Fermont Wall Mining |
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