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Premiumanzeige Blue Mountains

The Blue Mountains of east St.Andrew stretch from the north-eastern edge of Kingston, inwards and upwards through the lush and beautiful countryside towards Blue Mountain Peak itself.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

On this website you will find details of trails and tours. Why not have a look and then consider a tour or hike, even suggest one of your own. We may be able to help...


Or you could spend a night, or two, at one of the lodgings listed here. Some are bed & breakfast in family homes, some are guest houses and others are rustic accommodation.

If you would like to find out a little about the communities in the hills, you can do that here too. And even sample some of the beautiful flowers and other plants by clicking on flora.

Kaltmiete: EUR 95,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier


  Auf der Karte zeigen

Land / Region: Caribic / Jamaica
Stadt / Ort: Holywell
Stadtteil / Strasse: St Andrew

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Bezugsfrei: Ab sofort
KFZ-Stellplätze: Nein

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Blue Mountains Jamaica

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